Home > Where am I?

Where am I?

May 15th, 2006 at 02:09 am

I am a homeschooling SAHM, and we rely solely on dh's income. We live on a farm, in a rural area. The cost of living is relatively low, but my husband's salary isn't really great, so we have a strict budget.

My biggest issue is, my husband wants no part of the budgeting or bill-paying. We don't always have enough money at the end of the month, and it all falls on my shoulders to make ends meet. I hate it! But he works a lot and is away from home lots of hours, so he maintains that I do a great job, and that's pretty much the end of the discussion.

Because he doesn't want anyone knowing the personal aspects of our budget, I can't really talk to anyone local (about money). No friends, no family -- that's off-limits! So I'm turning to the net... I really like the idea of the minimum wage challenge. I know there's no way we could live on minimum wage now, as our house payment is about $755 a month, but we are actively trying to get the house ready to sell, and if it does, we will be renting (from ourselves) for $435 a month. I'm pretty sure we can survive on minimum wage then, especially if I can come up with some ways to save a little more money around the house.

It's sad, but I didn't even know what the minimum wage rate is. I looked it up, and I think it's $5.15. It's my understanding that's the federal rate, but some states are higher. At 40 hours a week that's $206 (honing my math skills here!), and with 4 hrs overtime at time-and-a-half on Saturday a.m., that brings weekly gross to $236.90. Multiplied by 52, as my husband takes no paid vacations, and divided by 12 since he's paid monthly, that brings the total to: $1,026.57. I'll have to look up social security and medicare withholdings to get the net take-home, so I'll do that and come up with a budget to post later.

Thanks to all who take the time to read this, and I look forward to learning a great deal about budgeting and "doing without".

8 Responses to “Where am I?”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Welcome! I hope you are able to find the answers and inspiration that you are looking for here...I know everyone is more than happy to help if they can!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    (and support) this is a very supportive 'family'!

  3. mjrube94 Says:

    Welcome! I hope you find lots of great advice here. One thing to consider if you're trying to boost the homeschooling budget: Take part in the $20 challenge, and any money you make for the challenge can be put toward items for your homeschooling. Also, check out Princess Perky's blog...she homeschools too and has lots of great ideas!

  4. robex Says:

    Welcome! We look forward to swapping ideas with you!

  5. boomeyers Says:

    Hi Paula! Welcome to the blog! Not only is this a great place to talk about money, but you can also come and rant and kick and scream! :-) It's a great support system! My husband does'nt like any part of the budgeting either, so I made sure to give him a "State of our State" update and will from now on! At least he can't come back and say "I did'nt know!"

  6. Carolina Bound Says:

    Welcome, Paula! I'm trying to get my house ready to sell, too. I have about a year to work on it before I put it on the market. Right now I'm doing nothing because I'm broke. That will have to change.

    You'll find this a very friendly and helpful group.

  7. Ima saver Says:

    Welcome Paula. Yes, minimum wage is $5.15 an hour. I hope things will get better and we can be a help to you.

  8. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Welcome! You can reach your goals if you persevere! There is a wealth of info on this site to help you do that and the folks are very nice here!Smile

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